Why settle for ordinary when you were destined for extraordinary?

what if you could:

Have a brand that ignites your passion and joy.

Fill your portfolio with dream projects.

Consistently book your highest packages.

Effortlessly attract dream clients.

Have a site that you're proud of & that does the selling for you.

Elevate your client experience & streamline your inquiry process.

Raise your prices confidently & increase your perceived value.

Break free from constant hustle & reduce your workload.

apply now

we're here to empower you to show up confidently online

Your brand's appearance speaks volumes about your business. Make sure It's saying all the right things.  

its time for you to step into your dream brand

In addition to a new website, our signature offer includes branding. All at a fraction of the cost of a custom project. Our approach ensures quality without sacrificing affordability. 

Lower investment with maximum benefits.

Most designers have waitlists stretching weeks-months before the next available start date, followed by additional weeks for project completion. You don't have time to lose. Going semi-custom means your website gets customized faster with less revisions and a shorter timeline so you can launch quicker and get back to doing what you love.

Faster timeline and fewer revisions.

Whether you have purchased your own template, or you choose from our curated collection, we personalize the colors, fonts, layout, and content to suit your brand, vision and goals.

We start with a base template

Why our semi-custom offer is your solution

A Semi-Custom Dream Brand Identity & Website In Days

apply now

Brand & Website Design
For Photographers & Wedding Service Providers
in just a few days
Brand & Website Design
For Photographers & Wedding Service Providers
in just a few days
For Photographers & Wedding Service Providers
in just a few days
Brand & Website Design
For Photographers & Wedding Service Providers
in just a few days
Brand & Website Design
  • primary logo
  • submark logo
  • color palette
  • font selection

Timeline: 1 week
Investment: Starting at $1,800

You'll finally stand out in a saturated market with a new memorable brand that shines in your industry.

You'll have a new dreamy brand and website you're proud to show off!

You will have a brand and website that reflects your personality and your expertise, effortlessly connecting you to the dreamiest of clients.

You will have more freedom to work on your craft and do the things you love while pricing yourself in a way that reflects the experience and the quality of work you deliver.

our signature experience will ensure:

I know the importance of not just standing out in your industry, but also getting your website LAUNCHED ASAP! In our semi-custom brand and web design experience, we offer a streamlined process where we help you choose the perfect template from these top shops, or you can bring one . We then customize it and apply your content, images, and branding, transforming it into a DREAM website that reflects your unique brand. We tailor the template to fit your style, and needs, creating a one of a kind website that not only makes your ideal client feel at home, but also effortlessly sells for you. You can trust me to handle the details, allowing you more time and energy to focus on what you do best. Launch a website you love that effortlessly books dream projects  and unlocks new opportunities in a matter of days.

Template Customization




  • Customization of 5 main pages
  • link in bio page
  • image resizing for optimal page load speed
  • crm/ third party integrations
  • mobile design
  • basic seo implementation
  • domain setup + launch

  • website content outline
  • post launch support




50% due to lock in your date.
Balance due on delivery/ launch day

*Website Template NOT included.
Template must be purchased independently.

Browse my favorite templates here.

  • Radiate confidence with your new brand and website.

  • Attract high-end clients and book your highest packages.

  • Experience joy and growth as you book dream projects, stepping into a new level of success and fulfillment in their business.

After working Together

  • You have an outdated website that does not reflect the experience and quality of work you deliver.

  • You want to consistently book high end clients and charge premium prices.

  • You are hustling and booking projects you are not excited about.


the transformation

The Process

Upon completion of our application, we'll review your goals, vision, and requirements to develop a tailored proposal for you. Additionally, we can arrange an optional curiosity call to address any questions you may have.

If you're ready to proceed, you can reserve your spot on our design calendar and make your deposit.

Submit Your Application

The application

After you book, we'll guide you through the process of gathering and creating all of the content and information for this project with our easy to follow process. As a bonus, we include a website content outline to help you come up with your website copy (the information on your website).

All The Details

Based on your questionnaire responses and content submission, we'll craft a mood board to ensure we are on the same page about your vision before diving into design. After approval, on days 1-2, we will begin designing your logos and by the end of day 3, we will have prepared for you a mini brand guide with all of your brand colors, logos and font selections. You'll have one revision and once approved, we will move on to your website.

On day 4, we will customize your template homepage and send it over for your approval by the end of day 5. You'll have the opportunity to request one revision round if necessary and then we will customize the rest of the website. 

Building your brand & website

After we have made sure you are absolutely in love with every detail, we will launch your website and deliver all of your final files through your download folder.

We will be there every step of the way to ensure a successful launch. We will provide you with Showit Support and launch graphics to celebrate your new brand identity and website.  Get ready to pop the champagne and enjoy a new sense of passion and purpose with endless opportunities ahead!

Launch & Celebrate!

Every detail from your brand identity to your website is strategically designed to attract your ideal client, build trust, and position you as a leader in your industry. Previous clients have seen substantial returns on investment following a brand and web design project.

A professional and strategically built website will answer all of those questions you keep getting via DM and guide them through your process and the next steps. This means less time spent on recurring questions and more time to dedicate to yourself and other aspects of your business. 

How will this investment benefit my business & streamline my inquiry process?


No, not at all. While we do start with a template as a foundation, we customize every aspect of your website – from colors and layout to branding and content – to perfectly align with your unique business identity. Your website will be tailored exclusively to your needs, ensuring it stands out and reflects your individuality in every way.

Will my website look like someone else's if you use a template?


Our websites are exclusively built on Showit - an intuitive, user friendly drag and drop website builder with Wordpress integration. It is as easy to use as working in Canva. A Showit subscription is required which includes hosting for both your site and blog, access to the software for customization, site management, and ongoing technical support. The Showit customer support is unlike any other platform. They are quick to respond to inquiries and they even have a chat within the platform where you can directly message the support team.  

What Platform Do You Build Websites On?


Yes, Showit is great for SEO! For more details, check out this helpful post here from my friends at Tonic.

Is Showit Good For Seo?


Not at all! We'll customize your new site using Showit and then transfer your domain to the new site. You can cancel your membership with your current platform (Flothemes, Squarespace, Wix, WordPress, etc.) immediately after the launch! Additionally, your current WordPress blog can be seamlessly migrated over since Showit integrates with Wordpress for blogging.

Is it difficult to switch to Showit from elsewhere?


Our standard payment plan consists of a 50% deposit to secure your start date. The balance is due on the delivery date/ launch day of your website.

Do you offer payment plans?


Nope! You can purchase a Showit template from another shop/designer, but I strongly suggest sourcing a template from a certified Showit design partner. You can find my recommendations here. Whether you choose to work with us or would prefer to DIY your site and need help deciding which template is the best fit for you, please send me a note. We'd love to help!

Do I have to purchase a template from your curated list?


We offer basic SEO optimization. This includes tags for photos, page titles and meta descriptions. These services can be added on to your package. For advanced SEO needs, we recommend contacting a specialist!

Do you offer SEO services?


We specialize in brand and website design services. While we currently do not offer in-house copywriting, we do provide our clients with a website content outline to guide you in planning out your website content. We love to refer our clients to Maha Copy Co. They have AMAZING and in depth resources for all of your copywriting needs. Whether you choose to work with us or would prefer to DIY your site and need help deciding which resource is the best fit for you, please get in touch. We'd love to help!

If you want to work with us, but don't have your content/website information ready, we will fill sections in with filler text and you'll need to update it later on your own, or you can schedule a VIP Design Day with us to update it.

Do you offer copywriting services?

  • All website photography.

  • All website copy (website information). In the event that your copy isn't ready, we'll incorporate placeholder text, requiring you to update the information later on your own or you can schedule a VIP design day and we can update all of the information for you at a later date.

  • Fill out all prep work requirements such as questionnaires, providing content and additional details.These tasks must be completed at least 3 days before our scheduled design date. Failure to comply will result in a $200 rescheduling fee, subject to our calendar availability.

What do I need to have ready before we start?

frequently asked questions

Let's create a dream brand & site that resonates, inspires, and stands the test of time.

You've hit an income plateau you just can't break / YOUR DIY WEBSITE IS HOLDING YOU BACK / You're tired of chasing clients and booking projects you're not excited about

YOU MIGHT BE WONDERING if this is for you...

Showit Website Templates


A website should stand out, connect effortlessly with your dream client and leave a lasting impression.


Let's Work Together!

Please fill out the form below and I will send over a project proposal along with details about working together!


Are there any questions/comments you would like to add?

How did you find/hear about us?

Please list 2-3 websites that you love as inspiration

$4,500+ (Custom Web Design)

$2,500- $4,000 (Brand & Website Sprint)

$1,000- $1,500 (VIP Day)

Select your budget below by marking an "x" in the box.

Do you currently have a website? If so, please provide the link.

Tell me about your business. Share all the exciting details.

What are 3 pain points you are struggling with right now?

What does success look like for you? What are you looking to achieve after working together?

Not sure, let's discuss this more

Take it away! - I'm not sure what I want, but I trust you

Very Collaborative- involved in every step

Select the experience you are looking for below by marking an "x" in the box.


Custom Website Design

Brand and Website Sprint

What type of project are you looking for?

Not Sure

What is it about my work that made you reach out and why are you excited to work with Sonder Creative Studio, specifically?

What is your ideal start date?

Do you have all of your content ready to go? (photos, website information/copy, etc.)

What platform is your website currently built on?

I'd like to fill out the form instead of the call.

Let's schedule a call, please.

I can either provide you with a discovery questionnaire that collects all the details needed to give you a custom proposal, or we can arrange a quick curiosity call to address any questions you might have. Please mark an option below with an "x".

If you would like to schedule a call, please provide your time zone.

Thank you for filling out our form! We will get back to you soon!
